Simple Future Form
~ Patterns :

      1Be + Going To + Verb base
           (+)  Subject + to be + going to + verb base +....
           (-)  Subject + to be + not + going to + verb base +....
           (?)  To be + subject + going to + verb base +....?
         ' Note : To be : is, am, are . 

       2.  Will + Verb base
            (+)  Subject + will + verb base + ....
            (-)  Subject + will + not + verb base +...
            (?)  Will + subject + verb base +...?

~ Uses :

  Be + going to + verb base 
1. When we have already decided or we intend to do activities in the future 
    Example: We are going to study together this afternoon
2. When there are definite sign that an event is going to happen.
    Example: Please bring an umbrella. I just felt a droplet and it is going to rain soon.
3. When an event is about to happen.
    Example: Watch out! The branch is going to fall.

  Will + Verb base
1. For activities that we decide to do now
    Example: We will finish this work right away.
2. When we think or believe an event about to happen in the future
    Example: Please bring an umbrella. It's cloudy and will rain.
3. To make an offer, a promise or a threat
    Example: I hope you will join the competition.

' We use the following adverbs of time in the simple future form: tomorrow, next...(next Saturday, next week, next month,etc), soon, immediately, right away, this afternoon, tonight, etc.


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